Wozz! Take 2

After 3 months of partial hibernation, late nights, design conundrums and kitchen experiments (some good, some bad) we have emerged with our NEW LOOK and NEW PRODUCTS for 2015.  It's not a complete change just a tune up. I guess we'll call it a refinement or a revamp. 

We went a bit mad...in the process...only wishing we could outsource more of our duties to a design team but oh that big red number with $$$$ signs on the bottom of a design quote for a total of 26 products led me to the following response;

Hahahaha. hahaha. haha.  If I don't laugh, I'll cry.

So to the computers we went, spending the last 6 months drawing up mock labels and getting a feel for what we wanted so we could work with a label company directly and we are pretty happy with the end results. 

Fresh. Modern. and Descriptive. 

Flavor descriptions was an absolute must with suggestive uses for each product. Now you can pick up a jar and know exactly what to do with it.  We'll even tell you if you can put it on chicken. Okay I say that with playful satire.  and by the way the answer is yes.  The answer is always a big fat billboard screaming "yes"....

yes you can put in on chicken.

I am glad we cleared that up. ;)


Now for the fun part.  NEW FLAVORS!

1. BALSAMIC FIG MOSTARDA SAVORY SPREAD - Our newest cheese accompaniment.  Figs are simmered in a balsamic reduction with a spicy mustard finish.  INSTANT HIT.

2. SWEET ORANGE CHILI SESAME DRESSING & DIPPING SAUCE - fresh orange infused with sweet chili and toasted sesame.  THE NEW SWEET SPICY "ALL ROUNDER" works with just about everything.   Even Chicken. {laugh with me}


3.  SPICY TOMATO KASUNDI SAVORY SAUCE - tomatoes slow cooked in a medley of Indian spices.  It's smoky and spicy.  Think of this as KETCHUP GONE GLOBAL.


We are waiting in anticipation to hear all your reactions to the new flavors.  That's our favorite part about running this business; talking food, flavors, recipes, experiences.  We've already received some emails requesting more recipes for the balsamic fig mostarda...they are coming!  soon.  I would have them up already, if I had a web developer but hahahaha hahaha haha...i laugh again. 

To see the entire line up and look for 2015 check out our Total Collection page. 

And with this evolution, we must say our goodbyes to a few of our fellow members.

Goodbye Miso Goji Berry.  So long Rosemary Pink Peppercorn.  Farewell Roasted Eggplant Sticky Miso. (until we meet again?)   Never say never.


and that's a wrap.

{for now}





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